Tag - bubblan

World Diabetes Day

Nurturing Hope: World Diabetes Day Sheds Light on a Global Health Concern

November 14th marks a significant day in the global health calendar - World Diabetes Day. Established by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the World Health Organization (WHO), this day serves as a powerful reminder of the collective efforts required to combat and raise awareness...
Bubble - diabetes easier living - Diabox phone app

Diabox and Bubble

Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits - How often do we have perfect trends for long periods, but sometimes we stop doing healthy routines or following healthy habits? Those changes make us end with our lines transformed into a roller coaster!!!

The secret to managing diabetes is to...

Automatic readings Bubble mini

Automated readings every 5 minutes!

Bubble Mini is going to give you automated readings every 5 minutes and alerts but remember finger sticks tests are a must when you are out range or close to your high or low limits!

Looping with Bubble – Bubblan

Recently one of our team members has starting looping with Bubble and we wanted to share it: Diabetes is a beautiful journey and thank God for the diabetes community who developed projects like Nightscout, Loop and FreeAPS, (and of course Bubble Mini and DiaBox) with...

Insuline doses and Bubble mini

Many patients are able to set insulin doses after a few months using Bubble Mini because they start to understand their trends, here we share some important information about this topic: Approximately 40-50% of the total daily insulin dose is to replace insulin overnight, when you...
Bubble mini

Type 1 Moms

To all the mothers who are taking care of a child living with type 1 Diabetes, we share a big thank you! Bubble mini is a useful tool to see glucose trends every 5 minutes. 
Bubble mini


Some basics such as drinking enough water help CGMs and Flash Glucose Monitors to bring more accurate values of blood sugar levels. Carry on your bottle everywhere and help Bubble Mini with your readings!