
Setup manual for installing Bubble Mini and Diabox Me App

Dear Community: we want to share our setup manual QR code for Bubble Mini and DiaBox if you have a Bubble, Bubble Mini or if you are planning to get one soon. We know sometimes technology could be tricky so we made this document to guide...

15-15 Rule for Hypoglycemia – Bubblan

15-15 Rule! When your Bubble Mini warns you about levels going low between 55-69 mg/dL or 3.9-3.0 mmol/L apply the 15-15 rule: eat 15 gr. of carbs and check with a blood test 15 min. later, if you are still low repeat the 15-15! When you...

Diabetes and teenagers tips – Bubblan |

When your T1D kid is a step away from becoming a teenager is the perfect time to teach them independence through confidence, responsibility, and best of all daily follow-up! A Bubble Mini is one of the best gifts at this time of life! https://www.bubblan.org/shop-page/ We know...


Dear Community: We are Bubblan and we work hard to support and bring awareness to people living with Diabetes. Ever since 2019, our team has been developing Bubble Devices and DiaBox Apps to help people all around the world improving diabetes management for patients, caregivers, friends and...

Setup Personal Ranges in DiaBox App

With DiaBox App you can set personal ranges according to your personal treatment! Alerts will trigger when you hit your out-of-range limits! Most people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes should aim for a time in range of at least 70 percent of readings—meaning 70 percent...

Recently Diagnosed with T1 Diabetes? – Bubblan

For all the T1D newbies and recently diagnosed! Remember is not the end of your life! Is time to listen to your body and be conscious of a new lifestyle! Bubble is here to make your life easier! Feel safe, because Bubblan team is made by...

Bubble Diabetic | Diabeties – Covide 19 Bubblan

Since COVID-19 arrived in our lives we had to add extra attention to our self-care! Who remembers that getting out was a hurry in a rush about remembering every device, alcohol swipes, insulins, supplies, CGMS, and sugar for emergencies? Now we had to add masks, anti-bacterial...


DiaBox/Bubble  Community, Many of you may have heard the news this past week about a true trail blazer in the DIY Looping community.  Katie DiSimone one of the original DIY Loopers, and developer of the LoopDocs and advocate for DIY has been diagnosed with a very...

Diabetes and happiness – Bubblan | CGM | Diabox App

Most of us struggle managing sugar levels during the day! No matter if you are a newbie or you have more or less than 25 years of living with diabetes! Every doctor or specialist will tell: get a new diet (every time), get a glucose dairy,...