
Teenager and Diabetes – Bubblan

When your T1D kid is a step away from becoming a teenager is the perfect time to teach them independence through confidence, responsibility, and best of all daily follow-up! A Bubble Mini is one of the best gifts at this time of life! https://stage.bubblan.org/shop-page/ We know...

Setup manual for installing Bubble Mini and Diabox Me App – 3

Dear Community: we want to share our setup manual QR code for Bubble Mini and DiaBox if you have a Bubble, Bubble Mini or if you are planning to get one soon. We know sometimes technology could be tricky so we made this document to guide...

Time in Range – Bubblan | CGM | Diabox App IOS and Android |

DiaBox Me App works with Bubble Mini to give you valuable information to follow up your Diabetes treatment, such as "Time in Range" graphics per day (24 h). A healthy person living with diabetes must be 70% of their time in range, and sometimes Bubble Mini...

Diabetes and Kids – Bubblan 2

We want to send a special hug and a big congratulation to all of those kids living with Type 1 Diabetes! You all are warriors! There are many many kids worldwide living with this new lifestyle! If you are a friend or a parent of a...

Halloween – Happy Halloween!

Halloween is one of the funniest times of the year! And there are many ways to celebrate all over the world! Many countries have adopted this festivity and now you know It was born in the ancient Celtic when people used to make bonfires wearing...