Tag - Blood Glucose

The Mystery of Glucose Levels

Somedays you are 75% or up in range and other days you are either super high or super low! Let's be honest! Many people living with diabetes and the ones who are close to us, know that feeling of frustration when glucose levels are all crazy! Sometimes...

Snack Time

One of the keys to maintaining blood sugar levels smooth is the type of snacks you get during the day! Of course, you can treat yourself sometimes but if you are trying to avoid spikes you should start paying attention to how many times in...

Time in Range – Bubblan | CGM | Diabox App IOS and Android |

DiaBox Me App works with Bubble Mini to give you valuable information to follow up your Diabetes treatment, such as "Time in Range" graphics per day (24 h). A healthy person living with diabetes must be 70% of their time in range, and sometimes Bubble Mini...