
Diabox CGM diabetes Libre



Insulin Sensitivity

One of the most important things that people living with Type 1 Diabetes need to understand is the importance of insulin sensitivity. Insulin sensitivity describes how sensitive the body is to the effects of insulin. So, stop comparing yourself to others. Everybody is unique and of...

Looping with Bubble – Bubblan

Recently one of our team members has starting looping with Bubble and we wanted to share it: Diabetes is a beautiful journey and thank God for the diabetes community who developed projects like Nightscout, Loop and FreeAPS, (and of course Bubble Mini and DiaBox) with those,...

Teenagers and Diabetic tips – Bubblan

Teenagers Tips - When your T1D kid is a step away from becoming a teenager is the perfect time to teach them independence through confidence, responsibility, and best of all daily follow-up! A Bubble Mini is one of the best gifts at this time of...

15-15 Rule for Hypoglycemia – Bubblan

15-15 Rule! When your Bubble Mini warns you about levels going low between 55-69 mg/dL or 3.9-3.0 mmol/L apply the 15-15 rule: eat 15 gr. of carbs and check with a blood test 15 min. later, if you are still low repeat the 15-15! When you...

Time in Range

DiaBox Me App works with Bubble Mini to give you valuable information to follow up your Diabetes treatment, such as "Time in Range" graphics per day (24 h). A healthy person living with diabetes must be 70% of their time in range, and sometimes Bubble Mini...

How to treat Hypoglycemia – Bubblan

Hypoglycemia is common in people with type 1 diabetes (T1D). In fact, most people with T1D experience at least 1 or 2 episodes of mild hypoglycemia a week. This is because in T1D, your pancreas doesn’t make insulin, which is the hormone your body needs...

Looping with Bubble

Recently one of our team members has starting looping with Bubble and we wanted to share it: Diabetes is a beautiful journey and thank God for the diabetes community who developed projects like Nightscout, Loop and FreeAPS, (and of course Bubble Mini and DiaBox) with those,...

Bubble Mini has discount

Dear customers we know January is a month to save money! That's why we are giving 20% (no taxes included) on the purchase of Bubble Mini until January 31st.